Work With Us

“The student housing cooperatives we enjoy today exist because of the dedication and activism of those who came before us. By getting involved with HOUSE Canada, we honour their legacy and ensure that future generations of students will have access to affordable, community-oriented housing.”

— Bria Hamilton, Co-founder, HOUSE Canada

Work with us

Whether you're looking for fee-for-service support, partnership opportunities, or ways to get involved, we invite you to connect with us. We collaborate with a wide range of partners and stakeholders to create and sustain housing for students, young adults and university workers.

Post-Secondary Institution

Are you representing a college or university seeking innovative student housing solutions? We offer a range of services to support your institution in developing, expanding, or managing students housing.

  • Partnership development

  • Pre-development services (feasibility, modelling, and assessments, etc.)

  • Student housing development

  • Off-campus housing (assessments, soliciting new housing providers, etc.)

  • Property management

  • Resident life management

For more information or to request our fee schedule, please contact us at

Student Union

Student unions play a critical role in advocating for student housing solutions. We work with student unions to establish, fund, and manage cooperative student housing options.

  • Advocate for student cooperative housing on your campus

  • Student education and engagement programs on housing

  • Partner with us to get new student housing funded and developed

Let's build stronger student communities together.
Contact us at


We work with municipal, provincial, and federal governments to advance affordable student housing solutions. Our expertise supports research, policy development, funding initiatives, and the creation of affordable housing.

  • Research and policy development

  • Program development and funding partnerships

  • Consulting on best practices for student housing

  • Developing student housing

If you are a government agency interested in working with us, reach out at

Post-secondary student

We exist to support students by providing affordable, community-driven housing alternatives. Our goal is to empower students to lead this movement.

Are you a student looking to get involved? Here are a few ways you can join us:

  • Volunteer with us

  • Placements and internships

  • Apply for a job (see Careers)

  • Serve on our Board of Directors

  • Join or start a Housing Committee at your campus

  • Start a housing project at your campus

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact us at

Real estate sector

We collaborate with developers, property owners, and management firms to integrate student housing into new and existing projects.

  • Co-developing student housing within mixed-use projects

  • Partnering on RFP (request for proposal) calls to co-develop government land

  • Property management of student housing

  • Resident life management

  • Conversions into student housing

Interested in exploring opportunities?
Email us at

Non-Profit & Co-operative Housing Providers

We partner with housing co-ops, housing non-profits, and housing federations to strengthen and expand affordable housing in Canada.

  • Joint development of new affordable housing projects

  • Partnering on RFP (request for proposal) calls to co-develop government land

  • Consulting on governance, member engagement, and operations

  • Property management and cooperative support services

Let's work together to grow the housing movement together. Contact us at